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Solfeo No. 101

Solfeo No. 101

This is Level 6 of solfeo. Now is when things get better. Read and play this one.

Solfeo No. 102

Solfeo No. 102

Each solfeo should not take more than five minutes to learn. If this solfeo takes you more than 10 minutes to learn, you should not be in this level.

Solfeo No. 103

Solfeo No. 103

Can you see the notes going down, then up and then down? Each melodic line has a pattern. This will help you read music better.

Solfeo No. 104

Solfeo No. 104

This solfeo is the forst one with 8 measures. It's longer but is not more difficult, you can do this.

Solfeo No. 105

Solfeo No. 105

Solfeos from now on are longer, and they look more like real songs. Eight measure is a good number of measures for a song.

Solfeo No. 106

Solfeo No. 106

You should repeat the solfeo as many times as you hear it. Read it ouloud and play it on time.

Solfeo No. 107

Solfeo No. 107

Do not play and read at the same time, this can be confusing and more difficult. First read it then play it.

Solfeo No. 108

Solfeo No. 108

This solfeo is going up from Do to Do, and then it's comming down, from Do to Do, you are playing notes from the C scale.

Solfeo No. 109

Solfeo No. 109

Do you know how to play the C scale? All these notes are notes from the C scale. A reminder of the order of the notes: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si-Do

Solfeo No. 110

Solfeo No. 110

You can even try to make up your own solfeos, just change a few notes from Fa to Mi or from Re to La and you will have a new solfeo.

Solfeo No. 111

Solfeo No. 111

When you create a new solfeo, you can even create a nice melody, actually all the melodies are solfeos.

Solfeo No. 112

Solfeo No. 112

This solfeo has many quarter rests. The notes are short notes, make sure you actually are making the rests when playing this one.

Solfeo No. 113

Solfeo No. 113

Take a look at the last measure, in the first beat you can see a note in the fourth line, this note is "Re" high Re, a new note for you.

Solfeo No. 114

Solfeo No. 114

Here you can practice the high Re. To play each note on your instrument you should know how to do that, ask your teacher, or go to the studies in

Solfeo No. 115

Solfeo No. 115

A simple solfeo for you, not all solfeos are going to be hard, you need a break Right?.

Solfeo No. 116

Solfeo No. 116

In case that you have forgotten the whole note, I have one here, just for you in the measure number seven.

Solfeo No. 117

Solfeo No. 117

After the high Re, is a new note, "Mi" is in the space number four. The order of the notes will repeat all the time.

Solfeo No. 118

Solfeo No. 118

Here you have many new notes, if you know the order of the notes, you can count line, space, line, space and this way discover the name of the notes.

Solfeo No. 119

Solfeo No. 119

The last three notes of this solfeo are Do. A really high Do, a high Do, and the middle Do.

Solfeo No. 120

Solfeo No. 120

A nice pattern in this one, this is an important pattern, these three notes are actually chords, when you play it you will notice it sounds really nice.