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Solfeo No. 61

Solfeo No. 61

Compare this solfeo with solfeo No 5 or 12 and you will see that you are actually learning to read music.

Solfeo No. 62

Solfeo No. 62

Notice how in this solfeo you have only half notes, it feels like you are reading faster

Solfeo No. 63

Solfeo No. 63

Try to read now Solfeo 120 or 134, you will see that it's very difficult, Keep learning and you will be able to read it.

Solfeo No. 64

Solfeo No. 64

Another solfeo using only half notes. In this one you can see all the notes, From Do, to high Do.

Solfeo No. 65

Solfeo No. 65

This is an actual song, "The Wind" from level 1, it looks like a solfeo, but it is a song.

Solfeo No. 66

Solfeo No. 66

Now it's time to start learning the "Quarter Notes" The black head notes you see here, In the first measure you have 1 half note and 2 quarter notes.

Solfeo No. 67

Solfeo No. 67

Each quarter note last 1 count. Inside every measure you need to have 4 counts, or 4 beats, because the time signature is 4/4.

Solfeo No. 68

Solfeo No. 68

If a half note last 2 counts, and each quarter note last 1 count, that is why you have 3 notes in the first measure. First one is 2 plus 1 plus 1 equals 4.

Solfeo No. 69

Solfeo No. 69

This one sounds like a little song also. Sometimes the combination of notes produces a "nice" sound or a little tune.

Solfeo No. 70

Solfeo No. 70

In the last count of the third measure you can see a little curvy line, that is a quarter rest, it last 1 count.

Solfeo No. 71

Solfeo No. 71

The quarter rest last 1 count, just like the quarter note, you can have a rest or a note, but you always have to have 4 counts, in this time signature.

Solfeo No. 72

Solfeo No. 72

This solfeo should be easy for you now. Read it and play it on time, don't forget to say it out loud.

Solfeo No. 73

Solfeo No. 73

A quarter note has a short sound, compare to a half note, and much shorter compare to a whole note.

Solfeo No. 74

Solfeo No. 74

Here you can see short notes, and rests. Quarter notes and quarter rest only.

Solfeo No. 75

Solfeo No. 75

Notice how each measure has 4 counts, or four symbols, except for the last measure, it has only three symbols, but the half note last 2 counts.

Solfeo No. 76

Solfeo No. 76

In this solfeo make sure you don't start in the first count of the first measure, wait 2 counts before starting.

Solfeo No. 77

Solfeo No. 77

Did you notice the pattern? Half, Quarter, and Rest - Half, Quarter, and Rest - Half, Quarter, and Rest.

Solfeo No. 78

Solfeo No. 78

Same pattern or rhythm, but sounds different because it has different notes.

Solfeo No. 79

Solfeo No. 79

You are almost ready to start learning more notes and more rhythms, keep learning and playing.

Solfeo No. 80

Solfeo No. 80

When you learn solfeo, is always good to learn music theory and songs in your instrument, Are you learning more music?.