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Solfeo No. 41

Solfeo No. 41

Keep practicing. Read one solfeo every day, at least. The more you read the better.

Solfeo No. 42

Solfeo No. 42

When you read the notes, make sure to notice if the note head is on the line, or n=inside the space.

Solfeo No. 43

Solfeo No. 43

In the second measure you can see one half note and one half rest. The half rest last 2 counts.

Solfeo No. 44

Solfeo No. 44

By now you should know how long is a whole note, and how long is a half note.

Solfeo No. 45

Solfeo No. 45

Always read out loud. Say the notes clearly, and play each solfeo several times.

Solfeo No. 46

Solfeo No. 46

So far you should know five notes, Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol. And two rhythms, whole note and half note.

Solfeo No. 47

Solfeo No. 47

You should be ready to start learning new notes pretty soon, this is easy for you now.

Solfeo No. 48

Solfeo No. 48

Sometimes the notes sound like a little song. Other times may sound just random notes.

Solfeo No. 49

Solfeo No. 49

This solfeo has a lot of rest, sometimes a song will also have rests. Make sure you play on time every time.

Solfeo No. 50

Solfeo No. 50

This is really easy, just one little note, and the ending with three notes. A simple solfeo right?.

Solfeo No. 51

Solfeo No. 51

Now you can see a new note "La". this note is in the second space of the staff, is the very first note, and the last one.

Solfeo No. 52

Solfeo No. 52

In here we have a new note also "Si" the note Si is the seventh note of the notes. Sometimes people call this "Ti" but the real name is "Si".

Solfeo No. 53

Solfeo No. 53

A half note last 2 counts, a whole note last 4 counts, A whole rest last also 4 counts.

Solfeo No. 54

Solfeo No. 54

In the second measure you see a new note "Do", this is the high Do. This note is higher then middle C, or the note you saw in the first solfeo.

Solfeo No. 55

Solfeo No. 55

Notice the jump from measure two and measure three, From middle Do to high Do.

Solfeo No. 56

Solfeo No. 56

Don't forget the note Si, is in the middle line of the staff, the third line, play it in the measure No 4, first note.

Solfeo No. 57

Solfeo No. 57

Just a few notes, one more solfeo to practice. Keep going you are learning to read music.

Solfeo No. 58

Solfeo No. 58

Some jumps in this one. Meake sure you play on time and use the correct fingers to play each solfeo.

Solfeo No. 59

Solfeo No. 59

Once you can read and play one solfeo, move to the next, just make sure you can play it perfect.

Solfeo No. 60

Solfeo No. 60

Have you been noticing that each solfeo has a ticking sound in the back? It's the timing mark by the Metronome.