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Solfeo II

109% Solfeo II

501 - Solfeo II No. 109

Songs - Level 20


502 - Moonlight Sonata

Music Theory


503 - Turn

When placed directly above the note, the turn (also known as a gruppetto) indicates a sequence of upper auxiliary note, principal note, lower auxiliary note, and a return to the principal note. When placed to the right of the note, the principal note is played first, followed by the above pattern. Placing a vertical line through the turn symbol or inverting it, it indicates an inverted turn, in which the order of the auxiliary notes is reversed.

Piano Technique


504 - Piano Study No. 12



505 - B Scale

Songs - Level 20

Choose One


506 - Friendship

506 - Ice Castles



507 - Song With Chords No. 58: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
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Solfeo II

110% Solfeo II

508 - Solfeo II No. 110

Music Theory


509 - Tremolo

A rapidly repeated note. If the tremolo is between two notes, then they are played in rapid alternation. The number of slashes through the stem (or number of diagonal bars between two notes) indicates the frequency to repeat (or alternate) the note. As shown here, the note is to be repeated at a demisemiquaver (thirty-second note) rate, but it is a common convention for three slashes to be interpreted as "as fast as possible", or at any rate at a speed to be left to the player's judgment.



510 - Db Scale



511 - CMC_6-3

Songs - Level 21


512 - A Thousand Years

Solfeo II

111% Solfeo II

513 - Solfeo II No. 111



514 - Song With Chords No. 59: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

Music Theory


515 - Simile

A rapidly repeated note. If the tremolo is between two notes, then they are played in rapid alternation. The number of slashes through the stem (or number of diagonal bars between two notes) indicates the frequency to repeat (or alternate) the note. As shown here, the note is to be repeated at a demisemiquaver (thirty-second note) rate, but it is a common convention for three slashes to be interpreted as "as fast as possible", or at any rate at a speed to be left to the player's judgment.

Piano Technique


516 - Piano Study No. 13

Songs - Level 21


517 - Forever Friends

Solfeo II

112% Solfeo II

518 - Solfeo II No. 112



519 - Gb Scale

Piano Technique


520 - Piano Study No. 14

Music Theory


521 - DaCapo

Da Capo (lit. "From top") Tells the performer to repeat playing of the music from its beginning. This is usually followed by al fine (lit. "to the end"), which means to repeat to the word fine and stop, or al coda (lit. "to the coda (sign)"), which means repeat to the coda sign and then jump forward. - Da Segno (lit. "From the sign") Tells the performer to repeat playing of the music starting at the nearest segno. This is followed by al fine or al coda just as with da capo.

Songs - Level 21

Choose One


522 - Young Sherlock Holmes

522 - Do It Again

522 - 22



523 - Song With Chords No. 60: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!



524 - CMC_6-4



525 - C Scale = 70

From now on start learning scales and gaining speed

Solfeo II

113% Solfeo II

526 - Solfeo II No. 113

Songs - Level 22


527 - My Heart Will Go On

Music Theory


528 - Andantino

Slightly faster than Andante (although in some cases it can be taken to mean slightly slower than andante) (80–108 bpm).



529 - Song With Chords No. 61: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

Piano Technique


530 - CMC/CMC_4_3

Songs - Level 22


531 - 10000 Reasons



532 - G Scale = 70

Teoria II

101% Teoria II
Soon Soon Soon Soon

533 - Teoria II - 1: Examples to use Music Theory

Choose a song. You'll need to play it and recognice all the music symbols in there!!

Solfeo II

114% Solfeo II

534 - Solfeo II No. 114



535 - Song With Chords No. 62: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

Piano Technique


536 - Rhythm No. 5



537 - Harmony: 1

Harmony is the study of how music works, if you understand Harmony, you understand music.
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You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!



538 - D Scale = 70

Songs - Level 22


539 - Say Something

Teoria II

102% Teoria II

540 - Teoria II - 2: Examples to use Music Theory

Starting now, Here you will find many examples where you can use all the music theory you know already.
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!



541 - CMC_6-5

Solfeo II

115% Solfeo II

542 - Solfeo II No. 115



543 - Song With Chords No. 63: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

Songs - Level 22


544 - Minuet In F



545 - Harmony: 2

Harmony is the study of how music works, if you understand Harmony, you understand music.
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

Piano Technique


546 - Piano Study No. 15



547 - A Scale = 70

Songs - Level 21

Choose One


548 - Baby

548 - Black Or White

548 - Thinking Out Loud



549 - Harmony: 3

Harmony is the study of how music works, if you understand Harmony, you understand music.
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!



550 - Song With Chords No. 64: Progressions

Starting now, you are ready to learn progressions, chords inversions, transposition, and much more
Please support our work, and became a member, you can help us to keep adding more contect to this site
You can even donate $1.00 dollar, anything will be greatly appreciate it, and will help a lot
If you like what we are doing, please support us and help us to keep doing what we love... music!

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