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Music Theory Elementary A

Lines Clefs Notes Extra Notes
The Staff The Treble Clef Double Whole Note Beamed notes
Ledger Lines The Bass CLef Whole Note Dotted note
Bar Line The C Clef Half Note Ghost note
Double Bar Line The Rhythm Clef Quarter Note Multi-measure rest
Line Double The Neutral Clef Sixteenth Note
Bracket Tablature Thirty-second note
Grand Staff Octave Clef Sixty-fourth note

Music Theory Elementary B

Accidentals Breaks Rests Quarter tones
Flat Breath mark Double Whole Rest Demiflat
Sharp Caesura Whole Rest Flat-and-a-half
Natural Half Rest Demisharp
Double flat Quarter Rest Sharp-and-a-half
Double sharp Sixteenth Rest
Thirty-second Rest
Sixty-fourth Rest

Music Theory Elementary C

Time signatures Note relationships Dynamics Articulation marks
4/4 Tie Pianississimo Staccato
3/4 Slur Pianissimo Staccatissimo
2/4 Glissando Piano Spiccato
6/8 Portamento Mezzo piano Accent
9/8 Tuplet Mezzo forte Tenuto
4/12 Quintillo Forte Marcato
Common time Arpeggiated Line Fortissimo Left-hand pizzicato
Alla breve Chord Sforzando Stopped note
Metronome mark Crescendo Snap pizzicato
Tempo Diminuendo Natural harmonic
Tempo Decrescendo Fermata
Tempo Forte-piano Up or Down bow

Music Theory Elementary D

Ornaments Octave signs Repetition Instrument-specific
Trill Octave Higher Tremolo Picking
Upper mordent Octave Lower Repeat signs Engage pedal
Lower mordent Quindicesima Higher Simile marks Release pedal
Turn Quindicesima Lower Volta brackets Variable pedal mark
Appoggiatura 1st and 2nd endings Una corda
Grace note Da capo Con sordino
Acciaccatura Dal segno Senza sordino
Segno Pizzicatto