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To learn how to read music, you need to actually "Read Music" so here you will find so many exercises called "Solfeo" to practice and learn how to read music professionally. Starts from just one note, and goes all the way to difficult music, you can do as much as you need. Welcome to solfeo, and I hope you practice a lot and learn to read music using You can do one by one or play and read the ones that you need.

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To learn how to read music you need to read out loud each note. Start with this note "Do" you need to say the real name of the notes, and not use the "letters" don't say "C ... F... A ... B" Say " Do ... Fa ... Mi ... Re ... La" like that, believe me is very important that you use the name of the notes. So read this solfeo and after you can read it, then play it on your instrument.

This note is "Do" and it is a Whole Note, it last 4 counts. So the sound is a little long. Read all of these exercises, they last less than two minutes, is important that you read a lot. Make sure you read out loud and then play it on your instrument. You need to know where is each note on your instrument, for that use the exercises or studies that you can also find in

If you read a lot each day, at leas one or two solfeos per day, you will learn how to read music. You can see two measures of rest. This solfeo is really easy.

Now you have Half Notes. Each half note last 2 counts. you still have only one note "Do" but the rhythm is a little bit faster. As you keep reading you will find more notes, and different notes values. This will create more rhythm in each exercise.

Now you can see a new note "Re" Notice how Re, is under the lower line of the staff. and "Do" has a little line across. You can have half notes or whole notes of any note you want. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Keep working with learning Do and Re. You can change where you have each note inside the measure and this will create a different melody. Memorize each note, so you can feel sure of the name. After you read it really good, then play it. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

A new note is in this Solfeo. The "Mi" Mi is right on the first line of the staff. Notice how you see a Whole Note Mi in measure 2, and then a Half Note Mi in the beginning of measure three. Both of them are Mi, one last lobger then the other. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

You will be working for a while with three notes. Do-Re-Mi. You can create so many combinations using only these three notes and whole notes and half notes. Make sure you read all of them, or until you are really sure of each note. If you can not read it on time, do not go to the next Solfeo. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Before playing the video, try to read the notes, by yourself, see if you get the rhythm or the timing, before actually listening to the video. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Notice that little by little you see more half notes, and less whole notes. This gives a feeling of the music going faster, because in less time you have to say more notes. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Only measure two has a whole note, the notes are the same, and yet you can hear a different melody each time. That's why music is so great, you can create anything you want. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

To learn how to write music, go back a few Solfeos, like No. 5 or 6, play the video without seeing the notes, and try to write it first, just by listening to the sound of the notes. Then compare what you wrote with the actual music of the video, it must be the same. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Can you write Solfeo No. 7? Try it now. We keep working with Do-Re-Mi. Remember DO NOT say the letters, it's very important that you read with the name of the notes. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

I am sure that if you read all these Solfeos, by now you know for sure these three notes. IF so, we are almost going to introduce a new note. Remember that after reading each Solfeo you need to actually pay it on your instrument. These solfeos can be played on any instrument. Flute, Violin, Piano, Guitar, Accordion, Recorder, Viola, Oboe, Harp, Organ, you just have to know where is each note on your instrument. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Now you can see only half notes, so are you ready for the challenge. Reading music takes time. Practice every day. Read this many times and then play it, perfect and on time along with the music.

Keep reading Do - Re - Mi, you need more practice to get a new note.

This Solfeo also has the only 3 notes you know so far. I hope that by now you can just see the notes and read them really well.

Only half notes. This should be very easy for you now. If you just open this Solfeo and is a little bit difficult, please go back and start from lower Solfeos. By now this should be very easy, in order to add a new note.

Two more Solfeos and you will get a new note. You should do this at the first try. As soon as you open this Solfeo for the first time, you should be able to read it and then play it, even without practice.

THe last Solfeo of this PART A. You will get a new note in the nest part. Are you ready?

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